One of the main problems a contractor usually faces is choosing the correct equipment for their projects, such as pile drivers. There are different types of pile drivers available, depending on the contractor’s need. They should be able to identify the correct one to have a problem-free project.
If you are interested in getting a pile driver for a project, we recommend you continue reading to learn more choosing the right equipment.
What is a Pile Driver?
A pile driver basically hammers piles unto the ground to provide the support or foundation of a structure such buildings and houses. Placed just above the piles, it works vertically, often involving steam, diesel or hydraulics. At times, a pile driver can be operated manually. However, hydraulic, steam or diesel pile drivers remarkably helps a construction team lower the labor costs and speed up the building process efficiently.
Some of the Different Types
Contractors cannot merely buy a pile driver because different equipment types can match a specific construction or a project. Here are some of them:
- Vibratory – this comes with different sub-types and mainly hammers, drivers, and excavators, usually attached to the machine to drive or extract a pile.
- Petrol Type – also known as post driver, it is mostly used to install posts and be used with only one person.
- Diesel Hammer – usually used with two-stroke diesel engines, it can also be used with various piles such as wood, metal, and concrete.
- Hydraulic Hammer – this is a type of piling equipment as an alternative for diesel and air hammers for piling timbers and precast concretes
Choosing the Correct Type
Now that you have an idea of the different types of pile drivers, you are one step ahead of being knowledgeable when buying them. Let these four pointers guide you when it comes to buying.
- Knowing the project type. Will the construction be a land-based or water-based project? Will the place be in a residential or open area? Contractors should keep in mind the type of project they will be doing to know the suitable equipment they should prepare for.
- Budget. Buying equipment also affects the overall construction budget. It is also an essential factor to consider the budget. Some equipment might be costly that it may be a massive blow to the fund.
- Quality. Many stores sell these drivers with different price tags. So, buyers should be more discerning and inspect the tool correctly to know the materials used and their performance. Some stores might price the drivers expensively but only to deliver low quality work.
- Store provider. You should also inspect the store selling this equipment. Sometimes, stores are adequate sales-agents but are too unprofessional when it comes to after-sales support. Know also the store’s credibility in the industry to avoid poor construction results.
IAI to Your Aid
Looking for the right pile driver for your project? Our experts at International Attachments Inc. are willing to help you find the perfect pile driver for your project. We offer a range of attachments in keeping with our vision of seeing people work with devices efficiently. Feel free to browse our products here or contact us at 877-219-1962 for inquiries.
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